ZA 20 juni 2020, 20:15 uur, Bongeziwe Mabandla (ZA)


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In het kader van de huidige omstandigheden rond de corona crisis heeft Theater Posa vanaf 14 maart jl. de deuren noodgedwongen moeten sluiten. In goed overleg met de artiesten is de voorstelling verplaatst naar zondag 10 oktober 2020.

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Team Posa

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Zaterdag 20 juni 2020, 20:15 uur, Bongeziwe Mabandla (ZA)

Prijs: €15,-
In de voorverkoop/Met VTP korting: €12,50
Abonnementhouders: VRIJWILLIGE BIJDRAGE (i.v.m. corona)
Aanvang: 20:15 uur

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Het gezicht van de Afro-folk

Theater Posa is trots om deze Zuid-Afrikaanse artiest te mogen ontvangen! Zijn album iimini is op #3 binnengekomen in de Nederlandse Soul/RnB charts en op #85 in de algemene album charts! Kijk onderaan deze pagina voor een voorproefje!

Met ruim 8000 maandelijkse online luisteraars in Nederland en meer dan 111.000 maandelijkse luisteraars op Spotify wereldwijs groeide singer-songwriter Bongeziwe Mabandla uit tot het gezicht van de Afro-folk. Met zijn debuut album Umlilo in 2012 stond hij meteen op de kaart. Hij brengt een unieke klank waarbij hij Xhosa teksten samenbrengt met traditionele muziek en folk. De afgelopen jaren toerde hij internationaal en was o.a. te zien bij festivals in Zuid-Afrika zoals het Cape Town World Music Festival en Oppikoppi en internationale festivals als Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona en het Japanse Sukiyaki Meets the World Festival. Met zijn tweede album Mangaliso (wonder) won hij een South African Music Award (SAMA). Zijn derde album getiteld Zange (nooit eerder) kwam eind 2019 uit.

Bongeziwe Mabandla laat traditionele en moderne muzikale invloeden versmelten in vindingrijke afro-folknummers. De zanger en gitarist groeide op aan de Oostkaap van Zuid-Afrika, maar verhuisde later naar Johannesburg om te werken aan zijn carrière. Ondanks deze verandering bleef hij zingen en schrijven in het Xhosa, zijn moedertaal.

Short biography

Reducing all that was then known about African music to ash with his debut album, Bongeziwe Mabandla has, from the very beginning of his journey as a musician, crafted a path of his own. His second album, Mangaliso, propelled him further into the artistic stratosphere, forging an unwavering creative bond with producer Tiago Correia-Paulo, whose masterful tinkerings have only enhanced Bongeziwe’s stellar ability to communicate the universally understood elements of spirituality, truth and love. This year, he returns with a new body of work due for release early 2020, beginning with ‘Zange’ – which aims to take Bongeziwe and his distinctive approach to African music to places few have dared to tread.

Mabandla’s story

“Ever since I was young I wanted to be an artist. I can say everything I’m doing now is something that was in my head for a long time. I grew up in a rural setting and beautiful things did not happen often and one had to use their imagination a lot. I loved music and would day dream for years about this exciting life of writing songs and shooting music videos. But it was not not until I listened to Tracey Chapman, Fugees and Bongo Maffin did I release I love music in a deep way; I was starting to grow up and I was very serious about finding who I was. I started playing the guitar in high school which really changed everything for me. I did not even intend to be writer, but it happened naturally. I started learning other people’s songs — my favorite is Adam Lives in Theory, by Lauryn Hill. Even though I went on to study as an actor in University I started to have the deep need to perform music. 2nd year I changed course and majored in music without telling my mother I was going to be totally focused on music… and I did well at school and finished my degree, but had also started to find work as an actor. Music came at the most difficult part of the early years… I needed to work and find a plan. That is when I met Paulo from the band 340ml and started making music. “I had found my path,” I thought, but it was then that pain and struggle of having a dream started and it would be years later that I would release my first Album Umlilo in 2012… and 5 years later I would take out my second album, Mangaliso. Working on my 3rd album now, I can’t help but think how glad I am that I took this difficult chance and how it has been all worth it in so many ways… and even still so hard that voice inside my head is telling me to go for it. My ultimate album has to Lauryn Hill’s Unplugged… it’s what made me fall in love with music.”

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